WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform not just a blogging tool. It has won 2009 Best Open Source CMS Award.
When quality websites for low prices is your business model, it makes sense to use the best, most cost efficient publishing tool available, WordPress. Because WordPress powered websites are easy to develop, and from the design point of view you have flexibility, once you start to use WordPress, you won’t even remember how you designed websites before.
WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are thousands of developers all over the world working on it. It also means that it’s free to use for any website you want, without paying license fees. Hundreds of available plugins extend what WordPress does, so the actual functionality is almost limitless.
When it comes to CMS, the vast majority of small business owners do not need a full feature e-commerce website or a complex online community website like Facebook. The vast majority needs a simple CMS where they can:
- update the content as often as they want
- add how many pages they want
- insert photos
- add news
- write posts in a blog
- have a full feature photo gallery
- have members that can sign up
- have a simple online shop
- have a custom contact form that protects you from spam
- have search engine friendly optimized website
- have a feed aggregator like RSS or Atom
WordPress handles all this and much more. Why would we need something else if WordPress works perfectly for almost all of our job requests? Why give someone who needs a Civic for his teenage daughter, a Cadillac?
Before you go to someone else for your next CMS project, ask for a quote here. Chances are $2,500 will get your website up and running on WordPress. Well, we don’t talk so much as the other guys, yes, but we can save you $15,000. How about that?
Our experience with WordPress is recognized by the professionals. Our work was featured on many galleries showcasing Worpress Powered sites.
I love wordpress as a cms, and as a powerful seo tool.
I also love what wordpress is doing to the stale “I’ve been a web developer for 15 years and I only do ASP” crowd.
For example, a site built on asp on a windows server will cost 5-10 TIMES as much as one on unix/apache running wordpress, and not have NEAR the same features or compatibilty, and asp sites typically SUCK in the search engines. (Same page title for every page, complete lack of seo thought in link structure, the whole 9)
I look at web proposals every day for 10k, 15k, 20k sites, all built with what else? asp on a ms server. They could all be built for LOTS (think 90%) less if they were simply built with wordpress. Plus, ALL the really cool aggregation and syndication (very-very-very important) tools are cheap if not free as plugins for wordpress, but cost thousands to have built for asp sites.
WP has almost singlehandedly revolutionized the internet, because it let’s the average person get a voice and a cool customizable look on the web without needing a spare 5 grand.
You have sparked some of my interest and I am going to do some additional research. Feel free to check out some my blog in the near future… as I just posted a great blog about the 36 Best WordPress plugins for 2009. thanks
Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
See you!
Your, Raiul Baztepo
I prefer Joomla, but WP is great also.
WordPress is the best when it comes to SEO! I recommend it to all of my clients; blogs are very under-utlized, in my opinion.
WP is definitely the way to go. The support and plugins are great. And if you know how to tweak it and to post content so there is no duplicate issue you can have a highly optimized SEO site that Google will give lots of love. Keep up the good work!